Sunday, May 1: La Calzada de Bejar to Fuenterroble de Salvatierra

Approx. 15 miles; good weather; somewhat hazy skies

Stephen prepared a lavish breakfast.

I had arranged a ride with Victor who had driven us the day before. He arrived promptly at nine at the designated pick up spot (only permitted cars can enter the area where our apartment is located).

We rode back to La Calzada de Bejar to begin our walk of the day.

Leaving La Calzada de Bejar

Shortly after leaving La Calzada de Bejar, we ran into Rudy (the German pilgrim). He told us that he had a cold (!), had just taken a rest day and was planning a short stage. We gave him a wide berth but he didn’t seem that anxious to chat.

Cork oak forest
I’m so glad there’s a bridge!
Looking back to Picojarro near Hervas
Retablo in Iglesia de Santiago in Valdeverde de Valdelacasa (pop. 85). Note the grisly image of Santiago Matamoros (Santiago the Moorslayer) in front of the retablo.
Santiago Peregrino in Valdeverde de Valdelacasa: Guess who the patron saint of the town is!
Leaving the town of Valdelacasa. There didn’t seem to be much of a town but there are views of the Meseta from here.
Granite quarry has left a terrible scar ….
View of Picojarro (I think)

Fuenterroble de Salvatierra (pop.260) sits at the very edge of the Meseta.

Albergue: The most famous on the Via de la Plata
15th C Gothic church of Santa Maria La Blanca; Tower is much older. It once guarded the boundary of the old kingdom of Castile.
Well-preserved section of Roman road outside the church

I called Victor from the local bar. We had only just finished our small beers when he arrived. To our surprise, an American pergrina ran up to photograph the phone number on the car, shouting ”A taxi. A taxi”

Victor drove us back to Hervas and I arranged a pickup of 9:00 am on Tuesday. (No manana!)

We walked around Hervas a bit and then ate left over pasta and cucumbers and tomatoes chez Stephen.

Puente Medieval de La Fuente Chiquita
Rio Ambroz
View of Hervas showing La Iglesia Castillo de Santa Maria de Aguas Vivas on the highest point
Puente Hierro

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